Grub-Kranawetberg II
Grub-Kranawetberg II is a multi-layered Upper Palaeolithic open-air site located just east of the more well-known site Grub-Kranawetberg I. It is located ~ 30km northeast of Vienna, close to the Austrian-Slovakian border. The site has been discovered by our team in the course of survey activities (coring) on the Kranawetberg ridge in 2022. A first test excavation has been started in summer 2022.
During our excavation campaign in 2022 we opened a 4 x 5 m trench. We were able to document at least three different archaeological horizons, rich in charcoal and lithic artefacts. Faunal remains including shell ornaments, red ochre and stones have also been recovered. We collected geoarchaeological samples to aid the study of site formation processes.
Coring with a hand auger.
Coring with a mechanic drill.
Totalstation and sunset.
Start of excavation.
Constructing our tent.
Excavation under our tent.
Backfilling the excavation trench.
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This project is co-directed by Marjolein D. Bosch (Austrian Archaeological Institute), Philip R. Nigst (University of Vienna), Bence Viola (University of Toronto) and Walpurga Antl-Weiser (NHM Vienna). Other team members are: Stéphane Pirson (AWaP), William Chase Murphree (ICArEHB - Interdisciplinary Center for Archaeology and the Evolution of Human Behaviour, University of the Algarve), Carolina Mallol (University of La Laguna), Margarita Jambrina-Enríquez (University of La Laguna), Samuel Kasemann (University of Vienna).
This research is funded by the University of Vienna (Rectorate and Dean’s Office of the Faculty of Historical and Cultural Studies) and the government of Lower Austria (Land Niederösterreich, Abteilung Wissenschaft & Forschung).
Locally the project is supported by the Museumsverein Stillfried and the Museum Stillfried - Zentrum der Urgeschichte.
All photos © Marjolein D. Bosch, Philip R. Nigst and Bence T. Viola, unless otherwise stated.